Short answer: Traditional fitness methods are to train in the weight room, run for conditioning, and then train to develop specific skills. The lightweight design (less than 3 lbs.) allows a soldier to perform skill-specific training without the limits of traditional weight room based equipment and methods which accelerates fitness, conditioning, and motor learning so less time is required to reach training goals
Scientific answer: A traditional periodized training program will consist of many highly structured and carefully planned cycles from mobility, cardiovascular conditioning, to strength. Strength (resistance) training enhances motor neuron excitability and induces synaptogenesis, both of which would help enhancing communication between the nervous system and the muscles themselves. However, unlike resistance training, skill acquisition does NOT currently utilize periodization to plan, monitor and evaluate programs and progression.
The development of skill acquisition periodization framework that translates to the necessary movement protocols during training allows for the systematic investigation into the acute and longitudinal effectiveness of such interventions, thus enhancing performance. High-frequency intermittent feedback of repetitive skills training and frequency, however, results in improved performance and movement efficiency.
The NeuroPak increases the activation of the neuromuscular responses associated with any skills-based activity via the application of continuous, strategically calibrated resistance to the user’s limbs. The placement of the NeuroPak and resistance bands subtly causes the user to engage their midline stability musculature for immediately improved posture for optimized mechanics across movement disciplines.
Simply wear the device and move better. This approach improves muscle memory without constraining the activity itself or preventing the execution of smooth, natural movement.
Short answer: The key to the NeuroPak is that it increases midline stability.
Optimized biomechanics, with a neutral spine and strong midline, is the key to performance and efficient movement. The positioning of the NeuroPak and the resistance cords intuitively puts your body in the correct position to improve your posture and engage your “core” which increases performance and optimizes mechanics across all movement patterns.
Scientific answer: This technology improves neural plasticity and adaptation associated with muscle memory and stabilizes and conditions muscle groups to improve movement quality and reduce injury risk.
In an initial test-retest validation study, overall results show that the NeuroPak demonstrates an average of 30.25% improvement across all major categories:
- Mobility (defined as improvements in range of motion)
- Performance (improvements in squat depth and jump height)
- Stability (defined as improvement in control of the body by limiting deviations from the primary plane of movement)
- Motion Quality (defined as improvement in the quality of movement by minimizing asymmetry and minimizing vulnerability to injury)
Short answer: The combination of high-frequency repetitive skills with immediate feedback and correction, results in better and smoother functional performance.
Scientific Answer: Strength (Resistance) Training enhances motor neuron excitability and induces Synaptogenesis, both of which would help in enhancing communication between the nervous system and the muscles themselves. The development of skill acquisition periodization translates the necessary movement protocols during training, thus allowing for both acute and longitudinal effectiveness.
In skill training, specificity refers to how similar the movements and cognitive-behavioral demands of the skill being practiced are, compared to the skill being displayed and performed in battle.
These constraints can be categorized into the following:
- Individual
- Environmental
- Task
Individual constraints refer to the physical attributes of a soldier such as strength, power and endurance.
Environmental constraints refer to the temperature, atmosphere, and weather conditions of training.
Task constraints include “the type of skill being performed and/or the equipment used”.
These constraints can then be manipulated to alter the course of how skills are acquired and practiced.
Short answer: Use the NeuroPak during your training protocol for skill-based conditioning and fitness to immediately improve performance. The NeuroPak is designed to be functional in any environmental situation. Best practice has shown optimal results when using the NeuroPak three times per week for thirty to sixty minutes.
Scientific answer: This unrestricted training system improves performance in authentic training environments, improving the quality of movement, reducing the risk of injury, and offering a simple yet robust tool that quickly and effectively helps any user move better. Use the NeuroPak to optimize physical training, including cardiovascular training, resistance training, and functional (skill) training (i.e., handgun stroke, speed reloads, live fire drills, etc.). Users have reported improvements by using the NeuroPak in only ten-minute increments. Optimally, users will train with the NeuroPak three times a week for thirty to sixty minutes.
Short answer: The speeds at which results are noticed, or measured, vary with each user. Typically, you will see improvement after one session of movement prep and the adaptation in as little as two to four weeks.
Short answer: Imbalances in the body lead to injuries. The NeuroPak intuitively corrects physical imbalances, which will reduce the risk of non-contact soft-tissue injuries. A DOD validated DARI study found that the NeuroPak improved the quality of movement of mobility, performance, stability, and motion quality by 30.25% after one use.
Scientific answer: The NeuroPak primes the user to maintain a neutral spine throughout the jump load and launch phases of movement, allowing for improved energy transfer through the kinetic chain for higher vertical displacement. When the user has the NeuroPak strapped to the wrists this also improves both flexion and extension at the glenohumeral joint (shoulder) for added propulsion. In addition, the specific charge of resistance and location of the resistance points creates an opportunity for the body to self-correct any faulty movement patterns.
In an initial test-retest validation study, overall results show that the NeuroPak demonstrates an average of 30.25% improvement across all major categories:
- Mobility (defined as improvements in range of motion)
- Performance (improvements in squat depth and jump height)
- Stability (defined as improvement in control of the body by limiting deviations from the primary plane of movement)
- Motion Quality (defined as improvement in the quality of movement by minimizing asymmetry and minimizing vulnerability to injury)
Short answer: The NeuroPak is the only global, wearable, human performance solution that improves and accelerates readiness, resiliency, and soldier lethality while adaption to your training needs.
Scientific answer: The NeuroPak provides innovative, functional, and realistic solutions related to troop readiness at a cost approximately 40% below competitive devices, which are not field-functional.